Hệ Thống Chiller Giải Nhiệt Nước MChill

Hệ Thống Chiller Giải Nhiệt Nước MChill

Mô tả:


  • Food Beverage Industries, Wineries, Dairies, Breweries, Bottling, Storage
  • Plastic Industries-Injection, Extrusion, Blow Molding, thermoforming
  • Laser Industry-Cutting, Welding, Profiling, Optics, Medical
  • Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry-Natural Gas, Jacketed Vessels, Polyurethane, Laboratories,
    Healthcare, Petrochemical, Temperature Control
  • Engineering Industry-Machine Tools, Welding Machine, Cutting, Profiling, Polishing, Rolling, Presses, Hydraulic Control-Oil Cooling, Heat Treatment
  • Easy Installation “Plug & Play”

Thanks to the design, MCHILL can be easily installed even during the ‘’process’’. The users will just need a simple pipe work and minimal labor force.

  • Optimizes Process Application

MCHILL Process Chillers work with a principle called “Close Circuit”. With this working principle, the following advantages can be obtained:

- Highly precise water temperature control regardless of external conditions factors

- Constant operating conditions by responding to sudden changes.

- Immediate response to sudden consumption changes quickly with closed loop and suitable pump & tank components.

- Constant use of same water – Hence, avoid waste entering the ‘’water loop system’’ and creating health problems caused by waterborne bacteria.

  • Best Components

All components of MCHILL (compressors, condensers, evaporators, tank, pump etc.) are ‘’Best in Class’’ and specially designed with the right equipment to consume the lowest energy.

  • Optimum Energy Efficiency

MCHILL is designed by a group of skilful and professional engineers to provide maximum energy savings.

- More efficiency and reduced production cycle time

- Minimized production costs and reduced waste.

- Less maintenance and downtime during production.

  • Optimum Energy Efficiency

Unlike typical water chillers for processes that have been used for many years, the MCHILL unit is designed to meet the user’s need in the simplest way with minimum operating costs and best performance.

- Wide operating conditions related to both inlet and outlet water temperature.

- Thanks to the “Global Design”, the MCHILL can even operate in the highest ambient temperature conditions around the world.

- A wide range of optional accessories that allow MCHILL to be customized for various special applications.

- A fully packaged and easy-to-use solution with integrated pumps, tanks and safety systems which make it perfectly suitable to the needs of industrial processes.

Nguồn tham khảo: https://wasol-vn.com/san-pham/he-thong-chiller-giai-nhiet-nuoc-m-chill/ 

- Food Beverage Industries, Wineries, Dairies, Breweries, Bottling, Storage

- Plastic Industries-Injection, Extrusion, Blow Molding, thermoforming

- Laser Industry-Cutting, Welding, Profiling, Optics, Medical

- Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry-Natural Gas, Jacketed Vessels, Polyurethane, Laboratories, Healthcare, Petrochemical, Temperature Control

- Engineering Industry-Machine Tools, Welding Machine, Cutting, Profiling, Polishing, Rolling, Presses, Hydraulic Control-Oil Cooling, Heat Treatment